Tag Archives: Sweden

The work animals

Nervous system, does most of the control signal propagation leading to control and actions for an average organism. Thereby, are voluntary and involuntary system, so I learn. The involuntary system would do what it has to do, regardless of how much we hope to control it. The voluntary system is in our conscious control. Consciousness collaborates from awareness, when we are aware, we are conscious, we could put our effort into controlling the controllable using the voluntary systems. Sometimes, we forget to understand the controllable and then worry voluntarily about the uncontrollable, uncontrollably.

A movie may make us go through motions of emotions, make us believe, make us happy and sad, and if there are options go through the entire spectrum of rainbow. The measure of success of a movie, also depends on the human connect, how convincingly it can make us forget the controllable, and transform us into an universe of unnatural systems and processes.

In regard, to the economic immigration, people choose to go to places where there may be opportunities, try their ‘luck’, because that ‘luck’ is uncontrollable. But the effort to get to the luck is controllable with achievable targets, workable with checklist.

We can choose to take chances and work towards job using study then work, or straightaway work. From the beginning of humanity there may have been some kind of work, some form of employment. Industrial revolution would have solidified the systems in place to streamline employment and hence work-life was officially born. In some countries they have classified the universe of employment into categories. Like Charles Darwin’s origin of species, origin of employment would eventually evolve into labor classification, standard occupation code in the USA, national occupational classification code in the Canada and similar codification elsewhere. This is a more logical organic classification than the erstwhile work based caste system in Indian peninsula where you are born into a caste. While the pros and cons, supporters and haters exist for this this. Little would an Indian imagine that you will be born into a work based lock in the US H1B visa system. Which is a work visa system.

Other countries have yet another chance for foreigners in terms of job seeker visa. Currently some countries have some form of job seeker visa.

These countries are looking for workers, if working is what we are seeking, then we can get the job seeker visa, which does not guarantee the issuance of the visa, nor does it guarantee a job when we land there. We may voluntarily take these chances.

Some relations are also like this. In particular the immigration systems of the world. First and foremost, Canada as a globally known immigration system with express entry system, works for them. By entering the pool of candidates that the country may be willing to select, the metrics of which may be known, however, who will be beneficiary will not be known. This is a chance based system, a lottery with some components that we control like work profile, life skills and so on, but with absolutely no guarantee to get selected. Many in the USA mistakenly think that Canada is an easily place to migrate to. Perspectives, that we control. Ignorance is controllable. Ignorance is a choice in this age and time.

Sweden is also apparently an immigrant friendly country, until you read the troubles. How an employer’s paperwork can cause the beneficiary of the visa to be in uncontrollable situation is exemplified by this story.

With each of these opportunities we do not see much transparency in the policy, consistency, laws and systems in its entirety. Some things have to be experience, somethings learned, somethings we are told and are mandatory. The mandatory ones are easily understood, like getting a job needs work visa, legal residency, temporary or permanent, tax numbers mean to do the work, enough health to work and so on. Sometimes it is easy to fill forms given to us, as part of job application. We know that we need an address, a phone number and so on. This is as good as a checklist. And working through it is achievable to the most part. We do not predict natural disasters with 100% detailing, not all lives are saved in the world with all the predictive knowledge, do we say the universities and the eminent scientists of the world are useless? We could probably say they are not as useful as expected. Expectations are controllable, expectations however great can be controllable.

In all such employment, if we keep our expectations to limits, emotions to limits, limits to a controllable, then we could control. This is so as not be become a control freak. Every limit also defines the sphere of influence and control. Every control gives us a feedback, a feedback completes the loop, the loop of employment, work-life. Is this a re-definition of the work base caste system, at a global scale?

We get classified based on education, work, for some people work defines there routine and family life. Defining boundaries and freedom, benefits and rights. To the extent that success defined by work translates to work life. I need not believe this, though there is some understanding of the way this system works and I get to play it by being in an employment based visa. Even without taking visa and work permits into consideration. In everybody’s home country of citizenship too we get our life defined by work and employment. Even if we are running our own business, the employment of business defines certain part of us. Social life, environment, situations and circumstances that present to us are influenced by such work.

Social animals evolved to be a work animal.