The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness was a movie with Will Smith and his son playing father and son duo. The team fills the movie almost entirely. The father who wishes good of his son, the mother who drops the family and leaves them, because of her impatience and intolerance. The father takes up a fancy to solve Rubik’s cube. This comes handy when he wishes to push himself and take up an internship in a competitive management firm.

He wanted to be happy , and tried to be so though he was selling some medical device to doctors. His sales doesn’t go well and he goes through hardships along with his son. His son understands most part of it, and gets his doubt cleared on why his mother went away.

While accumulating credits and parking tickets, he goes on to live in all odd places including a washroom. Finally he impresses one of the executives with to land up in an interview for the internship. He gets unpaid internship in a very competitive environment. He was bullied silently by a higher-up, which the hero manges without emotions getting on his nerves. He stays afloat by trying to sell some machines that he had, while he had collect his son and get to the charity home by perfect time to get a room allotted.

His son tries his hands on basketball and then suddenly the father says that he is not good at it, and should not be spending too much time on such a wasteful thing. The hero then re-positions his stance , corrects himself and tells his child that “No matter what people say, I  you want to do something, you can do it”.

That spirit runs the movie and after all the hardships and his networking and good communication skills he ends up getting the job. Only one successful person from internship was going to land up in the job. He is all tears and happy when he hears that he is the one selected. He holds his head up and walks on the street. Like the people who were happy after work always, who had inspired him to be happy, he had joined the crowd of happy people, finally.

This story is a “True story”. Definitely a motivational and inspirational one.

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